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YetOshkal Educational Services – Where You Come to Thrive

Adolescence is a time of physical, cognitive, social, and emotional changes. Adolescent age offers a dynamic opportunity to foster young people’s strengths and thereby increase the likelihood of positive outcomes. The focus has always been on the negative aspect of adolescent attitudes. YetOshkal Educational Services provides an appropriate intervention that strengthens protective factors to foster the children’s strength. Adolescents experience significant changes in their family relations, school environments, and peer group affiliations that impact their motivation and learning (Berks & Meyers, 2016). Extant literature revealed that the adolescent brain undergoes extensive remodeling in response to the experiences during development (Berks & Meyers, 2015; Hutchinson, 2015). Children with secure attachment thrive in life and are successful because they have significant others who are available and responsive to their needs. They have socio-emotional support and can navigate adolescent-age experiences successfully.

YetOshkal Educational services believe that every child has the potential to learn, grow, influence, and lead. Our vision is to motivate youth to foster positive relationships, strengthen academic skills, and bring out their great potential positively. Children with socio-emotional skills can cope with life challenges because they turn out to be responsible and successful in life.

We provide support to children. We grow the children's self-efficacy, self-awareness, self-control, and interpersonal skills, which are vital for resilience in the face of adversity. We developed the children's success and growth mindset. Research has shown that socio-emotional support and services increase youth self-efficacy, self-awareness, and positive identity development (Hutchison, 2015).

For youth to actualize their potential, there must be a strategy to help build their self-esteem, leadership, advocacy, and professional development skills and increase their influence and personal stake in the community. Self-efficacy is critical in how adolescents feel about themselves and whether they can be successful in life (Santrock, 2018). When children develop self-esteem and self-efficacy, there is a reduction in problem behavior as they embrace prosocial behavior to navigate life and be successful.


To provide an enabling and inclusive environment to unleash the great potential of every child to learn, grow, influence, and lead by supporting and connecting them to resources needed to achieve excellence.


To empower future generations to actualize their potential.


Engages children in Educational, Recreational, Vocational, and Community Service Activities

Academic and Behavioral Intervention

College and Career Readiness

Socio-Emotional Support

Growth & Learning

Counselling, Mentoring, & Advocacy

Counseling to get off Probation

Rehabilitative and Restorative Practices

So Why Choose Us?

Navigating the schooling experience can be very challenging. YetOshkal Educational Services is here to lighten the load off your shoulders to make the learning experience memorable. We are professionals with dignity, honor, and a high reputation. Student interest is our priority. We provide and connect our students with the resources needed to succeed. We improve the academic, socio-emotional, and behavioral outcomes of the students.

We utilize an interdisciplinary system targeted at students' socio-emotional learning (SEL), Culturally Responsive Practices (CRP), and Positive Behavioral Interventions and Support (PBIS).

*We are currently offering virtual services!

Get in touch with us at 443-929-7833 to start enjoying these services today:

A Time for Fun

To encourage a positive, joyful environment and close relationships amongst our students, we sometimes will play various games, host virtual cooking classes, watch movies, and more. We even plan a virtual dinner where we buy the favorite foods of our students and discuss the different cultures we're experiencing. This has become a great way to expand our students' cultural knowledge while fostering an inclusive, educational atmosphere.

Thank you for visiting our website. We are here to help you and your loved ones grow, ultimately gaining the confidence to use your potential to make a better life for yourself. Don’t let your background define you and begin your journey with YetOshkal Educational Services today. Contact us at 443-929-7833!

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